Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Water View

One day
I want to lounge on my deck and reflect
on the reflections of the ocean
as the sun’s rays reach the blue of the sky
and are refracted in the water
into what appears to be an infinite number of tea lights
lit up and floating on the sea’s surface
so harsh that sunglasses are a medical necessity
because to look out without them
could literally result in being blinded by the light
which would be a shame
to have a water view you couldn’t watch
you could still feel the breeze
so cooling and refreshing
like an enormous invisible oscillating fan
strong enough to send seagulls soaring
you could still smell the beach
a combination of salt and freedom and carelessness
you could still touch the sand
so soft, yet gritty
but it really would be a pity
if you couldn’t sit and watch the edge of your world
tip over the top
of its almost inconceivable horizon
and at night if I saw a light out in the darkness
when the moon makes the waves' ripples look like stairways to heavens
I would imagine the boat is manned by smugglers
looking to come ashore in a cove
because as we all know
smugglers only seek coves
not beaches or bays
and when night meets day
I want to lounge on my deck and reflect
on whether the reflections are jewels they dropped
as they made their way to shore


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