Saturday, February 2, 2013

Every Conversation

I haven’t heard your voice in so many years
and I can’t remember how it sounds
the only place it’s recorded is on a wedding video
from long ago
a tape that technology has rendered obsolete
footage that I can't see
even if I wanted to
which I don’t
I can smell your perfume
I can look at photos
and remain composed
they're scents and scenes
for my senses
but when I try to unearth your voice
it’s like it’s been erased from my memory
as if every conversation we ever had
is now a silent movie
I suppose it's somewhere buried deep
and I have truly tried to dig
but I know if I could hear you speak
it would all come back


  1. This made me feel so sad. Who can't relate to that! Hope you are well down there, miss?

  2. Yes, all well here! Avoiding fires and floods and other various foes. Hope all is all good witchu.
