Monday, November 15, 2010

Right Angle

When I’m at the right angle
I can see you out of the corner of my eye
Movement catches my attention
If I turn you won’t be there
but I would swear
that the corner of my eye saw you
and if that’s the only part of me that can see you
then that’s better than never seeing you again
and if that’s where you are, in the corner of my eye
then I won’t cry, lest I wash you away
Well, there’s the rub

1 comment:

  1. I love everything to do with what's just past your peripheral vision. It's so sad and strange sometimes. There is something there, real, visible, your heart skips, and then you turn - !

    This poem is so sad and beautiful, Mel. I wish you'd admit you're a beautiful poet. Keep at it, though, for another few years. You're piling up evidence that even you will someday not be able to dismiss!
